Two new scientific publications, both available only online, may signal what's ahead for scientic journals. PLoS ONE (,
a journal begun by the Public Library of Science (PLoS) last month,
aims to put as many new scientific articles as possible on the Internet
to be read by anyone, free of charge. The Journal of Visualized
Experiments, or JoVE (,
is a kind of YouTube for researchers. It operates on the theory that a
short video showing how an experiment is done is better than thousands
of words that attempt to describe it. ( CS Monitor)
ID vs. The Ego
The vast majority of scientists feel nothing but distress that the teaching of Intelligent Design has been promoted by several faith-based schools. Apparently, fundamentalists of Islamic and Christian persuasion have this in common, they both deplore Darwin and all his works. ( Telegraph)
Scopes Trial ID vs. Darwin
February 02, 2007 in Commentary, Science | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0)